ART 106O
PRoject 2 Rubric
*Instructors ONLY - not for distribution to students
10 Scores
Excellent technical precision that meets all requirements and syncs very well with audio and/or
Very good technical precision plus creativity or approaching the program
The one above I’d probably give extra credit to 10.5 - VERY complex
9.5 Scores
Excellent creative and/or technical projects with a minor issue (could be in terms of visual cohesion, conceptual or technical requirements or production/execution, especially in terms of photography / quality of photos)
Close to perfect production and creativity, but maybe shift away from abstract a tiny bit
These are EXCELLENT projects, they just are missing a tiny bit of the production precision and/or went in an interesting direction but weren’t 100% successful or didn’t quite meet the abstract element
9.0 Scores
Great projects, just missing a bit of the creative direction and/or the technical production quality or visual complexity but still met all the requirements and obviously took additional considerations and ideas.
8.5 Scores
Interesting, solid projects with:
Moderate production issues and/or did not follow multiple project requirements (minor) and/or didn’t have quite the creative / unique spark to push into 9.0 range
Good production aspects but mostly ignored the abstraction requirement
8.0 Scores
Projects that meet most of the requirements, but exhibit a moderate issue with abstraction or multiple minor issues mostly related to technical requirements or production aspects. Projects do not have the same creative / unique approach as 9.0 and above projects.
7.5 - 7.0 Scores
These projects exhibit a major issue or multiple moderate issues, and do not attempt to explore conceptual avenues - either frame animation with little variation or stop-motions with technical issues, requirement / abstraction issues and moderate production issues (such as shadows, camera angle issues, jumpy frames / motion, etc).