ART 106O


PRoject 3 Rubric

*Instructors ONLY - not for distribution to students

10 Scores

Combo of at least 2 out of 3:

  1. Excellent technical precision and audio sync

  2. Cohesive and effective visual design choices (such as fonts, colors, framing, scale) - the visuals achieve a very intentional + effective tone

  3. Creative animations / transformations that go beyond the 5 basics

9.5 Scores

  1. Solid technical precision + effective animations / transformations

  2. Design choices are still intentional, but some are not 100% successful or creative / unique

9.0 Scores

  1. Meet all or most of the technical requirements + basic animations

  2. Some intentional design choices (such as colors, fonts, background shapes, etc) but many inconsistent with meaning, style and overall cohesion. Example - words are different colors, but the colors appear randomly chosen.

8.5 Scores

Projects that either:

  1. Lack multiple technical requirements / and animation variety

  2. Meet most technical requirements but lack cohesive or effective visual design and direction.

7.5 - 7.0 Scores

These projects exhibit a major issue or multiple moderate issues, and do not attempt to explore conceptual avenues - either frame animation with little variation or stop-motions with technical issues, requirement / abstraction issues and moderate production issues (such as shadows, camera angle issues, jumpy frames / motion, etc).