Art 106O - Course Schedule

Students who are interested in taking 106O but anticipate a few days without internet access and/or would require working ahead within the 10-week quarter should contact the instructor at the beginning of Week 1. In most situations, accommodations can be made.


Week 1

Intro module

Module 1: 12 Principles of Animation

Intro Module: Intro Assignments + Syllabus Quiz due Friday 10/1
Module 1 Lecture Review + Participation Credit Assignments by Monday 10/4

Week 2 + 3

Module 2: Frame Animation

Monday Week 2 - Module 2 Unlocks
Wednesday Week 3 - Module 2 Participation Credit + Lecture Review Assignment due 10/13 @ 11:30PM
Friday Week 3 - Module 2 Studio Project Due 10/15 @ 11:30PM
Monday Week 4 - Module 2 Studio Project Peer Workshop Responses Due 10/18 @ 11:30PM

Week 4 + 5

Module 3: Kinetic Text + Keyframe animation

Monday Week 4 - Module 3 Unlocks
Wednesday Week 5 - Module 3 Participation Credit + Lecture Review Assignment due 10/27 @ 11:30PM
Friday Week 5 - Module 3 Studio Project Due 10/29 @ 11:30PM
Monday Week 6 - Module 3 Studio Project Peer Workshop Due 11/1 @ 11:30PM

Week 6 + 7

Module 4: Rotoscope + Stop Motion

Monday Week 6 - Module 4 Unlocks
Wednesday Week 7 - Module 4 Participation Credit + Lecture Review Assignment due 11/10 @ 11:30PM
Friday Week 7 - Module 4 Studio Project Due 11/12 @ 11:30PM
Monday Week 8 - Module 4 Studio Project Peer Workshop Posts Due 11/15 @ 11:30PM

Week 8 + 9

Module 5: Narrative in Animation

Monday Week 8 - Module 5 Unlocks
Wednesday Week 9 - Module 5 Participation Credit + Lecture Review Assignments due 11/24 @ 11:30PM
DUE TO THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Week 10 - Module 5 Studio Project Due Monday 11/29 @ 11:30PM
Monday Week 10 - Module 5 Studio Project Peer Workshop Due 11/29 @ 11:30PM

Week 10

Module 6: Course Wrap Up + REWORK PROJECT

Friday Week 10 - Project Re-Work + Participation Credit + Lecture Review Assignments Due 12/3 @ 11:30PM