Digital Content
For Courses Taught By Kristen Gillette
Art 184 - 3D Art + Design Studio 1
From Concept to Completion
Step 1 - Idea, Form, Function
I want to make a lamp! A lamp with an organic form!
...that is made of sustainable materials...
...ANNDD, if possible, is ALSO a time machine. That sounds reasonable.
Step 2 - Sketch It! From words to visuals
This is what I am thinking!
Oh wait - here it is in better resolution.
I based some of these forms on the Google Image results for "Organic Patterns".
...and "Time Machine DIY"...
Step 3 - Planning + Possibilities: Materials + Processes
Cardboard, some hardwoods + recycled aluminum are relatively sustainable...
A laser-cutter could help me cut-out an organic form...
But I can't easily cut-out aluminum with my laser I should probably go with cardboard or wood...
Step 4 - Prototype
...Soooo...this is how I *think this could work...
OK - Files sent to laser cutter...Safety Checklist is GO...Let's FIRE THE LASER!!!
{Does this even track in 2019? Maybe it needs a #FIRETHELASER #millenniold #closetoedshoes}
...and, suddenly, I am making things...
Step 5 - Prototype Testing
Ok, so, this one is not giving off enough light...
...this light looks great, but the form is not really what I was envisioning...
Ok, so, this is great...OH NO BUT IT JUST CAUGHT FIRE...
Step 6 - Revise + Repeat Step 5
Let's see how this works with a different, less flammable material...
With this new material, there are a few production changes...
Step 7 - Final-ish Builds + Production
I think you will both be pleased with these might need these future-goggles though...