Art 80T - Digital Tools for Art-Making
Course Description
Art 80T explores how to work with image editors such as Adobe Photoshop, vector editors such as Adobe Illustrator, and video editors, in order to develop visuals across many fields of contemporary art-making. These fields include photography, printmaking, commercial graphic design, UX/UI design, animation and video + audio editing / content creation. Weekly projects center around one specific tool and/or process, with accompanying hands-on instruction via video tutorials (examples below)
Art 80T is a 100% online course - all course materials are accessed online, and all projects and assignments will be submitted online via the course site. The Art 80T curriculum is built around weekly mini-projects that are accompanied by in-depth, step-by-step tutorial videos, peer discussion boards and lecture content tailored to the topic and technique at hand.
80T will offer at least 3 OPTIONAL Zoom Sections per week, with an alternative asynchronous assignment. Every week there will be consistent deadlines for projects and assignments, usually on Wednesdays and Fridays. Other than these weekly progress markers, WHEN you work on projects and assignments, watch video tutorials, and view other course materials each week is completely up to you.
A dedicated internet connection is required to take this course, as well as access to a computer that can run Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and a video editor to complete course projects. All other course materials and most other assignments such as discussion posts, online quizzes and the midterm and final exam, can be viewed and submitted via a tablet or mobile device.
Students who are interested in taking 80T but anticipate a few days without internet access and/or would require working ahead within the 5 week session, should contact the instructor well in-advance - in most situations, accommodations can be made.
Course projects will require Adobe CC programs Photoshop and Illustrator, and a video editor. All UCSC students have free access to Adobe CC subscriptions for the 20/21 academic year.