Studio Project 1 - Concept Artwork + Photoshop

Be sure to review the Project 1 Description in Canvas BEFORE starting these tutorial videos. The Canvas description contains all of the instructions and requirements, while this page contains video tutorials that cover each of the project-processes in more detail.

Before getting started with the drawings, make sure that you have:

  1. Photographic reference images to use for your designs. Do not work from other drawings, designs, illustrations, 3D renderings, or photos of public figures like politicians, actors, celebrities, etc {especially those who play recognizable characters}

  2. A dark pencil {#2 is fine, but not lighter, and not a mechanical pencil} and/or a black pen - color and shading will be applied digitally.

  3. Plain, white paper {can be simple copy or inkjet printer paper}. Do not use lined paper or graph paper.

Create at least 8 different sketches total, with at least 4 of the full-figure. Repeat this step for your animal / creature character - you may use your own photos, or photos from the internet.

Introduction to Drawing from Photographic references

The videos below are meant to be the most helpful for folks who might be new to drawing or have rarely worked from life or photographic references. For those who already have a lot of practice with figure study, feel free to skim through and work from your own creative process. Just make sure your drawings will work with the rest of the project steps and requirements.

Getting Started - 1st-Time Tips + Techniques

Drawing figures + portraits

Bonus Timelapse Drawings

These videos contain no instruction, just some time-lapses of more figure / portrait studies using ink. They could be helpful to see a slightly different material process than above, with slightly different end results.

Starting Photoshop Files

Photograph or scan sketches and bring them into Photoshop to create TWO 1100 x 1700 Concept Artwork Sheets. These sheets can be organized however you want - they can each contain a single character, or, they can show a combo of characters.

Importing Sketches + pasting into new documents

Working with Adjustments

Blending Modes + Transformations

Working with Color

Use a color theme generator to create a color scheme with at least 4 colors. Incorporate these colors into the character designs on each artwork sheet. You can use additional colors, especially different shades and saturations of the color schemes, but these colors should be the most prominent.

Other Generators: Colormind, Paletton

Exporting File

Also, a few reminders of your options with this video format:

  1. Pop out of Canvas and watch in a new tab if any of the features aren't working

  2. There are fullscreen and CC (Sub-title) options available in the right hand corner. For being YouTube auto-captions, these are pretty clear. I think they must have improved their algorithm. Please email me with any accessibility needs.

  3. If you are feeling pressed for time, but don't want to miss anything, you can watch with audio in 1.5 speed by hitting that little gear icon.