Digital “Meta-Realities”

Video Installation and Video Mosaic Animation Program

Low-Res Reality

This series of video installation projects explore the concept of "Digital Realities", constructed from the concept of meta images. In a time when digital photos and videos exponentially proliferate in online spaces, how does this exposure to these swaths of media influence, inform, and shatter our focus on a singular image or video. What happens when meta realities continue to be constructed by lower quality images and resolutions, surveillance videos, and "realistic" images generated by AI?

Which Images Compose Realities

If our understandings of our world are composed of these collections of images, where do these images come from? What is their original, intended, use? How are they misused? Who is taking them?

What Happens When Images Lose Resolution?

Each pixel in these meta videos is constructed of a low-res surveillance video-still or photograph, based on their relative grayscale tone, from 1 to 100. The resulting videos are both hyper detailed, constructed of many many layers of information, and completely abstracted.

Additional Long Form Documentation